Comparison of digitization methods

Comparison of digitization methods

In the following videos, we present to you the results of tests we conducted regarding the digitization of our own cassettes, using both conventional means as well as the method we apply at Office Support. In both cases, the process was carried out on the same computer and with the same VHS player.

On the left or bottom part of the screen, the digitized video using conventional means is displayed (USB capture device with RCA or S-video ports or direct record to DVD via a DVD recorder), while on the right or top part of the screen, the result of the process we follow at Office Support (Blackmagic High Definition signal capture card, analog-to-digital converter with TBC, and SDI connection) is shown.


We can provide even more!

Our primary goal is to ensure that there is no loss of information during the digitization process of your material. However, sometimes time is not on our side, as colours have faded, the image has become unstable, and details are starting to fade, also causing memories to lose a piece of their spark.

Even if such things happen, we don’t get discouraged! At Office Support, we can do wonderful things, using Blackmagic’s Davinci Resolve. By restoring colours, replacing distorted frames, eliminating any dust grains and even “noise” in the image, we can extract the best possible result for your collection, removing the unnecessary and highlighting the beautiful, so that every second you view is equally enjoyable.

In the following videos, you can see some examples related to reducing/removing intense image noise, smoothing/stabilizing the flow (jitter/instability), and applying colour enhancement.